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    Product Price Quantity Total
× song-vu-V17-bun-bo-la-lot-nem-nuong-grilled-beef-betel-leaf-grilled-pork-stick Bún Bò Lá Lốt, Nem Nướng $8.75
× song-vu-X12-muc-xao-sot-tau-xi-stir-fried-squid-black-bean Cơm Mực Xào Sốt Tàu Xì $10.50
× song-vu-X15-bo-xao-dia-nong-stir-fried-beef-sizzling-plate Bò Xào Trên Dĩa Nóng $11.25
× bun-bo-nuong-grilled-beef-vermicelli Bún Bò Nướng $8.00
× song-vu-B05-banh-canh-gio-heo-pork-leg-udon-soup Bánh Canh Giò Heo $7.50
× song-vu-H05-hu-tieu-mi-do-bien-seafood-egg-clear-noodle-soup Hủ Tiếu Mì Đồ Biển (Khô/Ướt) $8.75
× song-vu-F09-mi-xao-gion-thap-cam-mixed-fried-noodle Mì Xào Giòn Thập Cẩm $10.50
× song-vu-R14-suon-ga-cha-cua-opla-grilled-pork-chicken-steamed-crab-fried-egg Cơm Sườn, Gà, Chả Cua, Ốp La $9.00
× song-vu-X14-tom-xao-hot-dieu-stir-fried-shrimp-cashew-nut Cơm Tôm Xào Hột Điều $11.25
× song-vu-F05-hu-tieu-xao-thap-cam-stir-fried-rice-noodle-assorted-meat-seafood Hủ Tiếu Xào Thập Cẩm $10.50
× song-vu-R13-bo-ga-cha-cua-grilled-beef-chicken-steamed-crab Cơm Bò, Gà, Chả Cua
× song-vu-X18-com-tep-rang-sa-ot-spicy-stir-fried-shrimp-rice Cơm Tép Rang Sả Ớt $11.25

Cart Totals

Subtotal $115.75

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HST (13%) $15.05
Total $130.80

Note: Shipping and taxes are estimated and will be updated during checkout based on your billing and shipping information.